Golf Pass App Rules of Use
Read and adhere to the following Rules of Use so you can get the most value from your Golf Pass. All or some of these rules may or may not apply at the participating golf courses and businesses. If you want clarification, please phone and check with each individual business.
Read each coupon carefully. Check the days, times and number of holes for which each coupon is valid.
Phone ahead for reservations and avoid disappointment. The course may be fully booked or there may be a tournament or league play in progress. You do not automatically have walk on privileges.
Discounts are based on regular price and may not be applied to previously reduced or packaged rates (for example: seniors, junior, twilight, specials, league and tournaments).
Prices quoted are subject to change and may not include applicable taxes.
Power carts are subject to availability at tee time and course conditions, and reservations may not be accepted.
Coupons cannot be used in conjunction with any other discount or special offers.
Management reserves the right to refuse service to anyone.
You are responsible for knowing the Rules of Golf, local course Rules of Play and proper golf etiquette on and off the course.
Dress code may be in effect.
Additional special conditions or restrictions to any offer are on coupons.
Coupons expire on your Golf Pass subscription’s 1 year anniversary. Renewal subscription is available.
All businesses have agreed to honour their coupons within the restrictions specified, if any.
Promotion Works! Ltd. assumes no responsibility for the failure of any business to honour their coupons for any reason. We will, however, follow up if concerns arise with any business and encourage their compliance. Businesses are not obligated to honour their coupons if these Rules of Use are abused.